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Filippo Brunelleschi - Wikipedia. Filippo Brunelleschi. Presumed depiction in Resurrection of the Son of Theophilus, Masaccio.
Born. Filippo di ser Brunellesco di Lippo Lapi[1]1. Florence, Italy. Died.
April 1. 5, 1. 44. Florence. Known for. Architecture, sculpture, mechanical engineering. Notable work. Dome of Santa Maria del Fiore. Movement. Early Renaissance. Filippo Brunelleschi (Italian: [fiˈlippo brunelˈleski]; 1.
April 1. 5, 1. 44. Italian designer and a key figure in architecture, recognised to be the first modern engineer, planner and sole construction supervisor.[4] He was one of the founding fathers of the Renaissance. He is generally well known for developing a technique for linear perspective in art and for building the dome of the Florence Cathedral. Heavily dependent on mirrors and geometry, to "reinforce Christian spiritual reality", his formulation of linear perspective governed pictorial depiction of space until the late 1. It also had the most profound – and quite unanticipated – influence on the rise of modern science.[6] His accomplishments also include other architectural works, sculpture, mathematics, engineering, and ship design.
His principal surviving works are to be found in Florence, Italy. Unfortunately, his two original linear perspective panels have been lost. Early life[edit]Brunelleschi was born in Florence, Italy.[7] Little is known about his early life, the only sources being Antonio Manetti and Giorgio Vasari.[8] According to these sources, Filippo's father was Brunellesco di Lippo, a notary, and his mother was Giuliana Spini. Filippo was the middle of their three children.
The young Filippo was given a literary and mathematical education intended to enable him to follow in the footsteps of his father, a civil servant. Being artistically inclined, however, Filippo enrolled in the Arte della Seta, the silk merchants' Guild, which also included goldsmiths, metalworkers, and bronze workers. He became a master goldsmith in 1. It was thus not a coincidence that his first important building commission, the Ospedale degli Innocenti, came from the guild to which he belonged.[9]In 1. Brunelleschi entered a competition to design a new set of bronze doors for the Florence Baptistery. Seven competitors each produced a gilded bronze panel, depicting the Sacrifice of Isaac.
Brunelleschi's entry, which, with that of Lorenzo Ghiberti, is one of only two to have survived, made reference to the Greco- Roman Boy with Thorn. Brunelleschi's panel consists of several pieces bolted to the back plate.[1. Emergence of Humanism[edit]Brunelleschi is considered a seminal figure of the Renaissance. Little biographical information about Brunelleschi's life exists to explain his transition from goldsmith to architect, or his training in the gothic or medieval manner, or his transition to classicism in architecture and urbanism. Around 1. 40. 0, there emerged a cultural interest in "humanitas," or humanism, which idealized the art of Greco- Roman antiquity over the formal and less lifelike style of the medieval period.
However, this interest was restricted to a few scholars, writers, and philosophers before it began to influence the visual arts. It was in this period (1. Brunelleschi and his friend Donatello visited Rome to study its ancient ruins. Donatello, like Brunelleschi, was trained as a goldsmith, though he later worked in the studio of contemporarily well- known painter Ghiberti.
Although the glories of Ancient Rome were a matter of popular discourse at the time, it seems that no one had studied the physical fabric of its ruins in any detail until Brunelleschi and Donatello. Commissions[edit]Brunelleschi's first architectural commission was the Ospedale degli Innocenti (1. Foundling Hospital. Its long loggia would have been a rare sight in the tight and curving streets of Florence, not to mention its impressive arches, each about 8 meters high.
The building was dignified and sober; there were no displays of fine marble or decorative inlays.[1. It was also the first building in Florence to make clear reference—in its columns and capitals—to classical antiquity. Easy Rider Full Movie. Soon other commissions came, such as the Ridolfi Chapel in the church of San Jacopo sopr'Arno, now lost, and the Barbadori Chapel in Santa Felicita, also modified since its building.
For both, Brunelleschi devised elements already used in the Ospedale degli Innocenti, and which would also be used in the Pazzi Chapel and the Sagrestia Vecchia. At the same time he was using such smaller works as a sort of feasibility study for his most famous work, the dome of the Cathedral of Florence. Watch Before All Others Online (2017). Florence Cathedral[edit]. Sculpture of Brunelleschi looking at his cathedral dome.
Santa Maria del Fiore was the new cathedral of the city, and by 1. When the building was designed in the previous century, no one had any idea how such a dome was to be built, given that it was to be even larger than the Pantheon's dome in Rome and that no dome of that size had been built since antiquity. Because buttresses were forbidden by the city fathers, and because it was impossible to obtain rafters for scaffolding long and strong enough (and in sufficient quantity) for the task, it was unclear how a dome of that size could be constructed without it collapsing under its own weight. Furthermore, the stresses of compression were not clearly understood, and the mortars used in the period would set only after several days, keeping the strain on the scaffolding for a very long time.[1. In 1. 41. 8, the Arte della Lana, the wool merchants' guild, held a competition to solve the problem.
The two main competitors were Ghiberti and Brunelleschi, with Brunelleschi winning and receiving the commission. The competition consisted of the great architects attempting to stand an egg upright on a piece of marble. None could do it but Brunelleschi, who, according to Vasari: [1.
The architects protested that they could have done the same; but Filippo answered, laughing, that they could have made the dome, if they had seen his design." (This solution was also attributed to Columbus; see Egg of Columbus.)The dome, the lantern (built 1. Brunelleschi's life.[1. Brunelleschi's success can be attributed, in no small degree, to his technical and mathematical genius.[1. Brunelleschi used more than four million bricks in the construction of the octagonal dome.
Notably, Brunelleschi left behind no building plans or diagrams detailing the dome's structure; scholars surmise that he constructed the dome as though it were hemispherical, which would have allowed the dome to support itself.[1. He invented a new hoisting machine for raising the masonry needed for the dome, a task no doubt inspired by republication of Vitruvius' De Architectura, which describes Roman machines used in the 1st century AD to build large structures such as the Pantheon and the Baths of Diocletian, structures still standing which he would have seen for himself.
He also issued one of the first patents for the hoist in an attempt to prevent the theft of his ideas. Brunelleschi was granted the first modern patent for his invention of a river transport vessel.[1. Brunelleschi kept his workers up in the building during their breaks and brought food and diluted wine, similar to that given to pregnant women at the time, up to them. He felt the trip up and down the hundreds of stairs would exhaust them and reduce their productivity.[1.
Other work[edit]. Nave of the Santo Spirito, Florence, 1. Chapel of the Pazzi family, one of his last works.