Drunk History Season 3 Episode 6


Hell on Wheels Season 5, Episode 3. In a flashback, in China, Mei hides in a small room as the sounds of a battle rage outside. She wraps her chest and cuts off her long locks, disguising herself as a boy. Tao comes to get her, and together they flee on a ship across the Pacific Ocean. Finally, they arrive at the Central Pacific camp, where they check in with Chang, and Meis life as Fong begins. In present day Truckee, the Chinese collect their wages from Chang before boarding the train to the tunnel. Chang and Tao exchange a look as Chang collects his pay. PXdRtJSF1uotmz4XuXrjUpqRZZ.jpg' alt='Drunk History Season 3 Episode 6' title='Drunk History Season 3 Episode 6' />Detailed Downton Abbey Episode Guides with photos for Season 1, 2, 3 4 and 5 including the Downton Abbey Christmas Specials. Shes irrelevant. She needs to take her own advice and stop chasing after men who dont have any plans on being there for the future. I dont think she even. Yes, Duffy didnt say anything because she was listening to what Tami had say and being respectful, just like she didnt say anything when Angel Love was talking. Cullen stops Mei from boarding the train to the grade. Mei protests, but Cullen insists she be put on the sick list. The Swede approaches Cullen and thanks him for assigning the Mormons hard labor. The Swede claims it is. KIPmfj5hmDFkywjm/giphy.gif' alt='Drunk History Season 3 Episode 6' title='Drunk History Season 3 Episode 6' />The Swede believes Cullen is. When Chang expresses concern about the volume of. Chang negotiates, and keeps The Swedes business, with an increase in price of 1. Deep in the tunnel, Tao confronts Cullen, threatening to take Mei and leave unless Cullen lets her work. Cullen agrees to allow Mei to come back after one week on the sick list. As Cullen exits the tunnel, Huntington applauds the progress his steam shovel is making. However, the machine has made three of Strobridges Irish workers obsolete. Huntington reassigns them to the tunnel and cuts their pay to 1 per day, the same pay the Chinese workers get. In the depot office, Strobridge breaks the news to his men. They complain that 1 isnt enough to live on,. Phineas angrily suggests theyre being cheated, but The Swede demurs and says he shouldnt have even mentioned it. Phineas grabs the ledgers and storms out, saying,. Huntington points out that only five years prior, Strobridge was making significantly less than the Irish workers are now, and says the men are. Strobridge says the Irish workers are good men with families, but Huntington responds that good men with families get fired every day. Tao observes,. When Cullen turns to leave, the three laid off Irishmen block his way. Cullen stares them down, then turns to Strobridge. Strobridge tells them to stop. They promise to do so after finishing their drinks. Cullen walks through Chinatown to Tao and Meis tent. Mei pours him a cup of tea and tells him about her life before Hell on Wheels, when a rebel leader in the Taiping war took her as his bride. Mei says Chang works for that same rebel leader, who, if he finds her, will make her a prostitute. Cullen mulls over her story, then tells her to report to work the next morning. The Irishmen enter Changs opium den, loud and drunk, and argue with Changs greeter, Chen. Chang intervenes and tries to diffuse the situation by offering the men free prostitutes and opium. The Irishmen refuse, then punch Chen in the face. Chang springs into action, getting in several blows before Matt draws his gun and marches Chang out into the street. Outside, Chen is lynched from an upstairs window. The Irishmen fire into the air to back off a gathering crowd, tie a noose around Changs neck, and string him up to die. Tao grabs a knife from his tent and alerts Cullen that Chang is in trouble. They cut Chang down just as he loses consciousness. Chang comes to, and realizes whos just saved his life. Phineas brings the accounting ledgers back to The Swede and accuses Brigham Young of cheating them. Phineas stalks out of the tent. The next morning, Chang reports the attack to Huntington and asks for justice. Cullen suggests Huntington telegram his partner, Stanford, a lawyer who could serve as a judge and impanel a jury. Cullen takes Strobridge to arrest the Irishmen. The railroads. The Swede interrupts, asking if Phineas has considered the consequences of sending it. Phineas begs The Swede to tell him what to do. Cullen assures Chang that the Irishmen will leave Truckee and that Chang will let them. Watch Alex &Amp; Eve Streaming.