Gossip Girl Season 2 Episode 20 Full Episode


Gossip Girl Season 2. In a flashback to the 8. Lily who gets kicked out of boarding school and runs away to L. A., she there sees her parents, Rick and Cece, and her sister, Carol. Back in present day, Blair and Nate go to a prom together, but the night doesnt turn out as planned and Chuck has a something to do with it. Gossip Girl Season 2 Episode 20 Full Episode' title='Gossip Girl Season 2 Episode 20 Full Episode' />The fourth season of Gossip Girl, an American teen drama, consisted of 22 episodes which aired between September 13, 2010 and May 16, 2011. The series was based upon. Gossip Girl una serie televisiva statunitense trasmessa dal network The CW dal 2007 al 2012, basata sugli omonimi romanzi di Cecily von Ziegesar. Phantomesque. Season 4, Ep. Original Air Date Jun 2, 2017. After the devastating events of the previous episode, Klaus requests that his estranged siblings. Serena and Lily dont see eye to eye over Serenas recent run in with the law. And we see No Doubt perform as an 8. Madam Secretary Recap 1. Season 3 Episode 7. On tonights Madam Secretary episode, as per the CBS synopsis, Will Eric Stoltz faces a big decision, torn between helping earthquake victims in Venezuela and saving his marriage by accepting a job at Walter Reed Medical Center. Meanwhile, Elizabeth Tea Leoni works to stop a power grab in the devastated South American country. Madam Secretary is definitely one series that you dont want to miss and neither do I. Elizabeth Mc. Cord is just a teenage girl her younger brother barges into her room while she is studying. Will demands to know if Elizabeth is going to get milkshakes with him and their parents. She whines that she needs to study and doesnt have time, she tells her family to bring her back a strawberry milkshake. In the car, Will tells their parents that Elizabeth is a nerd in school and everyone thinks that she is weird. Suddenly, a car comes out of nowhere and runs them off the road the car flips through the woods. Will his fine but his parents arent so good. He heads back up to the road and cries for someone to stop and help them. Present Day Elizabeth is frantically searching through a shoe box of old photos, shes trying to find a photo of her brother because the last time Will was there he made a crack about her not having any pictures of him in the house. Gossip Girl Season 2 Episode 20 Full Episode' title='Gossip Girl Season 2 Episode 20 Full Episode' />Apparently, Will is coming in to town for an interview, hes going to take a real job in the states, and try to spend more time with his family rather than working war zones. Henry thinks it is commendable that Will is turning things around, and trying to be there for his daughter. Will, his wife, and their daughter Annie arrive at the door. Everyone rushes to greet them. They are basically all strangers to 6 year old Annie, they head to the kitchen to get to know each other. Watch Online Watch Sphere Full Movie Online Film more. Allison takes Annie upstairs to see her room. Elizabeth gets a phone call from the office, there was a level 9 earthquake in Venezuela, and they cant get a hold of any of the Americans at the Venezuelan embassy she rushes to the office. Daisy and Nadine get to work setting up a 1 8. Developed for television by Josh. Watch Gossip Girl Season 2, Episode 1 Summer, Kind of Wonderful Summer in the Hamptons Serena and Nate fake their relationship as covers for Nates affair. Americans to call and check in on their loved ones. While Nadine is working, she gets a surprise visit from Arabelle, Secretary Marshs wife. Arabelle owns a property in Venezuela, and she has an employee there named Clara Alvarez that was seeing after it. Arabelle cant get a hold of Clara and she is worried, Nadine promises to look in to it. Jay pays Elizabeth a visit, he says that the Navy and aid are all ready to ship out but they cant go unless they have permission from the Venezuelan president. Elizabeth finally gets through to Chuck, one of their guys at the embassy in Venezuela. He says that there are casualties, the president, and vice president are both dead. And, the Venezuelan Constitution doesnt state who is the next in line of succession. The earthquake wiped out all the political figure heads of Venezuela. Meanwhile, a plane full of doctors, nurses, and medical supplies arrives in Venezuela from International Aid. Men with guns attack them at the airport, they dont want to let the in to the country because they think that they are Americans. Elizabeth and Dalton learn that the doctors from International Aid have been taken prisoner by a gang from the slums of Caracas. And, it gets even crazier, apparently President Suarez had a son, and the gang is working for him, President Suarezs son says that he is the new President of Venezuela. Now, no one else will send in any more aid because of ow dangerous it is in the country. Will returns to the Mc. Cord House, and Henry is the only one home. He announces that he got the job in DC, Henry can tell that Will isnt too excited about it. Will doesnt want to talk about his new job though he wants to talk about what is going on in Venezuela. Henry gives Will a speech about settling down an spending time with his family, there comes a point when you have done your part and its time to do your part at home with your wife and kids. Elizabeth and Dalton call Suarez Jr. In the mean time, no one else will send any more help in to Venezuela until the country gets their political crisis straightened out. Elizabeth and Dalton put together a plan they decide to track down the Venezuelan House of Senate leader, Vela, and encourage him to take on the presidency so that Suarez Jr. Elizabeth and Dalton sit down with Russell and weigh out the pros and cons. Russell warns them that planting a new President in Venezuela could be disastrous to the campaign, but Dalton refuses to let politics get in the way of saving lives in Venezuela. Liz heads home and Henry and Will are having some beers. Will informs Elizabeth that he is not taking the job he got in DC because he is taking his medical team to Venezuela. Elizabeth freaks out, she screams at him that he cant blow off his job and his family and run off again. Somehow their argument takes a dramatic turn and Will and Elizabeth begin arguing over their parents car crash years ago, they both died. Will cries that he couldnt save their mom because he didnt know what to do. Liz is taken aback, she had no idea, she thought their parents died instantly in the accident. She didnt realize that their mom was alive for a few more minutes. Their talk is interrupted by a call from the White House, Elizabeth heads back to work. She tells Will she will be back soon, and orders him not to leave until she is back. At work they learn that Vela is alive and they found him, but he has a compound leg fracture. Vela has a high fever and is in and out of consciousness. Theres no way that he can declare pregnancy. Elizabeth and Dalton resort to Plan B. They film a fake news broadcast declaring that Suarez Jr. They have the footage played for him on a laptop, there is no internet in Venezuela, so Suarez has no idea that he has been duped, he thinks he is the new president. As promised, he turns the aid workers back over to the Americans. At the Mc. Cord house, Will sits down in the kitchen with his daughter and says goodbye to her, his bags are packed. Annie doesnt even seem fazed that her dad is leaving again. The aid workers that were just freed take a trip to Vela and get him patched up. Then he holds a real press conference and declares him self the new President of Venezuela. Elizabeth heads home and is shocked to see that her brother really left. Sophie and Annie are packing to move back to London. Elizabeth runs out of the house she tries to catch her brother at the airport before he leaves. When she arrives at the airport, Wills plane is gone, but he is still there. Apparently, he had a change of heart and decided to stay with his family. Elizabeth is thrilled that he made the right decision. They share a moment and make amends over their parents death years ago.