Knocked Up Full Movie In English


Knocked Up Full Movie In English' title='Knocked Up Full Movie In English' />Movie Roles Famous Actors Regret Taking. Regrets. Weve all got them. Whether its the person you didnt ask to prom or the job you didnt apply for, its hard to go through life without being able to think back to at least one decision you would have done differently. If theres one good thing you can say about regrets, though, its that most of them are easy to keep to yourself if you choose to do so. Knocked Up Full Movie In English' title='Knocked Up Full Movie In English' />Read reviews, watch trailers and clips, find showtimes, view celebrity photos and more on MSN Movies. Plot outlines, cast list, trivia, quotes, user reviews, and a message board. These chamberfarce conventions occasionally creak a little. It stretches credibility that any of these illmatched couples would end up together in real life, and it. Some actors regret not taking a chance on that big role others wish theyd never picked up the phone. These stars came to hate their bestknown work. Unless you did something particularly stupid that put you in a national or global spotlight, your regrets remain something that you just ultimately have to live with. Famous actors dont always enjoy this luxury when it comes to their career regrets. Even in cases where their regrets are tied to movies that not a lot of people saw, were still talking about regrets made available to millions of people that typically played out on a fifty foot wide theater screen. While many actors are perfectly happy letting their career regrets fade away as much as possible, many others were so overcome with regret that they simply had to share with the world that they wish theyd never agreed to take on some of their most famous or infamous roles. Here are 1. 5 Roles Famous Actors Regret Taking. Bill Murray Garfield. Remember that scene in Zombieland when Bill Murray confesses that appearing in Garfield may be his only life regret As it turns out, that scene isnt too far removed from reality. Some years ago, Murray told a reporter that the only reason he agreed to do Garfield is that he thought Joel Coen of the Coen Brothers was writing it. Whether or not thats true or just an elaborate joke Murray loves to tell remains up for debate. But yes, Murray does regret appearing in Garfield. In a Reddit AMA, he stated that part of the problem was that they shot the live action parts of the film before he came in to read his lines. Because of this, it was hard for him to improv his way out of the bad script because so many of the scenes involved Garfield needing to say specific things. Halle Berry Catwoman. There are actually quite a few instances of famous actors regretting their roles in comic book movies, and its not hard to understand why that is the case. In the dark ages of comic book film adaptations, studios had little regard for the source material and just wanted to sucker fans in. Actors got pulled in by the promise of getting to play some of their favorite characters while starring in a major motion picture, but the heroes that ended up on screen were distant departures from their comic book counterparts. As for why Halle Berry agreed to do Catwoman, that remains something of a Hollywood mystery. As far as anyone can tell, Berry may have been suckered in by the promise of the films original script Catwoman was originally going to be directed by Tim Burton as a spin off of Batman Returns and was unfortunately committed by the time filming began. While accepting her 2. Razzie Award for Worst Actress, Halle Berry infamously said, First of all, I want to thank Warner Brothers. Thank you for putting me in a piece of, god awful movie It was just what my career needed. Kate Winslet Titanic. This one requires a small disclaimer. At the end of the day, Kate Winslet probably wouldnt go back in time and break her agreement to star in one of the most successful, beloved, and critically acclaimed movies ever made. That would just be ludicrous. However, Winslett does harbor some very specific regrets regarding her role in Titanic. Namely, Winslet would really like to take back that famous nude scene. In multiple interviews, Winslett confessed that she didnt expect her nude scene to follow her around for as long as it has and kind of wishes that photos and clips of the scene were not so prominent. That said, we do find it funny that she flashed Leonardo Di. Caprio the moment she heard she was going to have to be naked in front of him. Winslet has also stated that she finds it hard to watch Titanic because she cant stand hearing her own American accent. Ben Affleck Daredevil. We dont often get the chance to say this with the utmost sincerity, but you do have to feel sorry for Ben Affleck. Sure, the man is absurdly handsome, insanely wealthy, and ridiculously talented, but he has no luck when it comes to starring in comic book movies, even though he loves comic books so much. Of course, while Afflecks first appearance as Batman was a controversial one, its nothing compared to the disaster that was Daredevil. Affleck has confirmed that Daredevil stands as his lone career regret, and its really not hard to understand why. He got involved with the Daredevil project because hes such a big fan of the character, but he quickly discovered that everyone involved with the film seemed to be on a different wavelength regarding what the movie was supposed to accomplish. Affleck has long asserted that he refrains from telling people what he really thinks about the films production in order to just put it behind him. Matt Damon The Bourne Ultimatum. Ben Afflecks childhood pal Matt Damon has also enjoyed a long career in Hollywood highlighted by several memorable roles. For instance, Damons turn as Jason Bourne helped revitalize the market for sci fi films and proved to be a huge influence on the revitalized James Bond series. While Damon doesnt regret ever playing Jason Bourne, he most certainly regrets his role in the trainwreck that was The Bourne Ultimatum. Damon was contractually obliged to appear in that movie, but he wasnt obliged to speak well of it. In an interview, Damon said of the films script I dont blame Tony Gilroy for taking a boatload of money and handing in what he handed in. Its just that it was unreadable. This is a career ender. I mean, I could put this thing up on e. Bay and it would be game over for that dude. Its terrible. Its really embarrassing. Mark Wahlberg The Happening. M. Night Shyamalan is enjoying a bit of a career resurgence at the moment. His last two films, The Visit and Split, have been described as undeniably flawed but undeniably intriguing, which is certainly a step up from some of his post Sixth Sense efforts. In the minds of many, the directors career low point came when he released The Happening upon the world and left audiences wondering whether the movie was a brilliant parody or just the worst thing ever. The Happening star Mark Wahlberg has no such doubts regarding the intent and execution of the film. Wahlberg regrets ever agreeing to star in the film, and admits that part of the reason he decided to take the role had to do with his desire to not play a cop or a crook yet again. That aside, he has said of The Happening, F it. It is what it is. F trees, man. The plants. F it. 9. Dakota Johnson and Jamie Dornan Fifty Shades of Grey. Its not often that young actors regret agreeing to star in adaptations of bestselling novels. After all, such projects tend to launch very lucrative careers. Its especially rare that two young actors regret starring in such a movie, but that certainly seems to be the case with Dakota Johnson, Jamie Dornan, and the Fifty Shades series. To be fair, Johnson has stated that her regret comes in waves. There are times when she is embarrassed to be associated with the awful adaptations of the dime store S M novels, but she also does admit that it helped her move on to better things, career wise. Jamie Dornan is less enthused about his work on the films. While he also admits that he took the role in order to increase his notoriety, he is downright ashamed of much of the work he did throughout the series, and expressed tremendous relief when he finally wrapped up filming. Watch Phantasmagoria Mediafire. As an aside, director Sam Taylor Johnson also regrets ever agreeing to work on the first film. Katherine Heigl Knocked Up. This is a bit of a strange one. After all, many of the films on this list are so horrible that theres really no doubt about why an actor would regret starring in them. Knocked Up is different.