Shark Tank Season 4 Episode 9 Youtube

Shark Tank Season 4 Episode 9 Youtube

While each Shark may. The leading information resource for the entertainment industry. Find industry contacts & talent representation. Manage your photos, credits, & more. And last season, ABC aired 29 new episodes. The Squatty Potty Enters the

The 1. 5 worst 'Shark Tank' pitches of all time. Mark Sullivan shows off his plan to create contained hurricanes for electricity production. Hundreds of entrepreneurs have pitched their companies on . In some, the products are totally infeasible. In others, the entrepreneurs are completely unprepared or so arrogant they don't have a grip on reality.

In anticipation of the seventh season premiere on Sept. Sharks' least favorite presentations as well as our own picks for the worst pitches in the show's history. Vestpakz, Season 6. When Arthur Grayer and Michael Wooley walked into the Tank seeking $5. Vestpakz, the only thing going for them was a couple of cute little kids modeling the product. Wooley's daughter invented the product when she was 1. Grayer in 2. 01. 3, landing the product in 7.

Walmart stores. The annual sales of $1. Walmart, but the Sharks were intrigued by the story of Wooley's daughter, who won an entrepreneurship competition and even made it onto Oprah Winfrey's talk show. The catch: All that happened in 2. Wooley's daughter was now 2.

The investors exploded in laughter at the revelation. The guys didn't get a deal. Bed. Ryder, Season 6.

Bed. Ryder chief marketer George Conway asked the Sharks for $2. To Conway's credit, he's a great salesman and he was animated and fun as he demonstrated the product on a pickup. But his answers to the investors' most important questions left them shaking their heads. For example, when Lori Greiner asked him if it had undergone crash testing, Conway replied, ! I have done my own.

By accident. Mc. Daniel pitched his real estate crowdfunding service as a way for average people to invest in real estate. He failed to convince the Sharks that it was a safe model and that he was someone to be trusted with money. Mark Cuban yelled that the idea was . In the same way . Adriana Montano asked the Sharks for $1. Gato Caf. If they liked a particular cat, they could then adopt one. Montano was able to persuade them the idea wasn't wildly far- fetched, since there are already successful .

But when the investors asked her why they shouldn't just take $1. They all passed, and guest Shark and Go. Pro founder and CEO Nick Woodman recommended she take out a loan and try opening one on her own.

Kymera, Season 5. There is a major difference between being an inventor and an entrepreneur, and Kymera creator Jason Woods did not prove himself to be the latter. Woods asked the Sharks for $2. The investors found the invention cool, but when the sales pitch went on too long they realized he hadn't actually said anything about a business plan. It turned out that in the previous 1. Woods had invested $1.

He had no customers and no patent. After trying to explain that he was finally ready to take it to the next level, Cuban told him he was . Suffice to say, Woods didn't get a deal. Rolodoc, Season 5.

Cuban hated the Rolodoc presentation so much that he actually got up and shook the hands of the cofounders, brothers Richard and Albert Amini, just to tell them they gave the worst . Cuban felt the brothers' pitch wasn't for a real service, let alone a real business, and was merely a mock- up of an app accompanied by nonstop strings of buzzwords. He told CNBC, . Immediately after James La.

Vitola and Brian Pitt said they were looking for $5 million for 3. Cuban announced he was out. La. Vitola and Pitt had a mock trailer for their motorcycle thriller, but they didn't have a script or actors. His pitch is proof that a gimmick can only take a brand so far.

The Sullivan Generator, Season 3. Mark Sullivan has been the only entrepreneur to promise the Sharks a share of $9.

He presented the investors with a series of amateur, hand- drawn illustrations for the . Gold is a byproduct that can be collected and turned into currency, he added. The absurdity of the invention was too much for the Sharks. No deal. Technology Enabled Clothing, Season 3. Scott Jordan went into the Tank looking for $5. Watch Fight To The Finish Dailymotion. SCOTTe. VEST, which makes vests to accommodate all of your gadgets. He initially impressed the investors with $5 million in sales, and O'Leary offered $1 million for 3.

Jordan made a call to one of his advisers, original Apple computer inventor Steve Wozniak, and decided that the Sharks were low- balling him. That's where it got ugly.

Jordan proceeded to point and yell at the investors, basically telling them why they're worthless. Not the best way to build professional relationships. Copa di Vino, Season 3. James Martin first pitched his single- serving wine company Copa Di Vino in season two, leaving multiple deals on the table because he found the offers too low. He did the same thing in season three. It's understandable that Martin would turn down O'Leary's offer of $6. Tank, but his reluctance in season three was especially frustrating, since the Sharks were willing to negotiate on Martin's terms.

He spent such a long time negotiating with the Sharks in his second pitch that they became convinced that he was merely using the show as an advertising platform and had no intention of ever making a deal. His second pitch inspired Cuban and John to start looking out for what they call .

He came to the Sharks looking for $4. Wake 'N' Bacon, which made a wooden alarm clock that broils bacon set to the time you wake up. Not only did Sallin not know basics like the cost of production, but the clock was a potential fire hazard. On top of that, the Sharks pointed out that the novelty would eventually wear thin for many bacon fans whose rooms developed a permanent aroma of grease.

At least Sallin had the composure to leave with a smile and . She mentioned that she hadn't actually sold any yet. Apparently Simonsen didn't notice that even in 2. Ionic Ear, Season 1. The Sharks agree that a pitch from the pilot episode remains the most ridiculous in the show's history. Darrin Johnson was seeking $1 million for a 1.

Ionic Ear. His pitch: Your Bluetooth earpiece moves around too much (this was 2. So why not have the same technology surgically implanted into your ear canal?

And at the end of each day, you insert a Q- Tip- like charger into your ear to charge the device. Johnson was humorless and didn't prove his qualifications. There may be a time when implanted technology will be a thing, but the Ionic Ear wasn't going to be the pioneer.

Throx, Season 1. Edwin Heaven, an entrepreneur who both sounds and looks like a Vegas magician, entered the Tank looking for $5. His company, Throx, produced socks sold in threes so that you'll always have an extra sock after you lose one of them. There's nothing extraordinary about the sock quality, but hey, you get three in each pack. The Sharks did not see it as a real business opportunity, and O'Leary called Heaven a.