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This year marks the 2. Premier League—the top English professional league association for soccer clubs. For some, it’s hard to believe that the premier league is the most- watched sports league in the world, reaching over 6. On a giant stage for sharing the love of the sport – teams, stadiums, and organizations around the world are also taking the initiative to promote a sustainable way of playing the beautiful game. Let’s see who’s kicking off this season on a green note. Manchester United.

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It goes without saying that Manchester United is one of the most recognized and respected Premier League Soccer clubs. Their environmental initiatives have proven to be just as impressive as their trophy collection. Old Trafford, the team’s stadium in Greater Manchester, England, uses recycled rainwater for pitch irrigation and maintenance of their facilities.

The training center also features a lagoon that uses reed bed technology where dirty water is cleaned, recycled and distributed to maintain the fields. The club ensures that no waste products are sent to landfills, using an extensive recycling system that ensures the materials that cannot be recycled are sent directly to a waste- to- energy plant.

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How to Watch Fargo Online or Streaming for Free April 28, 2017 [Updated]. Read about Green is Universal's latest sustainable efforts throughout NBCUniversal. Season 7 of HBO’s Game of Thrones premieres this Sunday, giving you just enough time to figure out where to place your bets in your death pool and how to watch the.

Any wasted food from match days is also composted. One of Manchester United’s environmental awareness initiatives, ‘Reds Go Green’ focuses on waste and recycling. With support from the Manchester United Museum, ‘Reds Go Green’ sends out glass, plastic, cans, green waste from the fields, and office stationary to be re- used or recycled.

Even the print publications in the football club are made from sustainable sources, while old IT tools and printer cartridges are recycled, re- used or donated for charitable purposes. Mineirão. This Brazilian stadium might be recognized for being the venue for the 2. Summer Olympics and the 2. FIFA World Cup games but it has been taking home the gold medal long before, when it comes to sustainable operations. Positioned just outside Rio de Janeiro, the Mineirão is the first stadium to have 6,0.

Not only does the solar roof power the stadium but it sends energy to the local grid which provides for over 1,0. The famous stadium also has power- efficient lighting systems and uses smart faucets and toilets to save water. According to Brasil. The Mineirão is only the second stadium in the world to be awarded a Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design (LEED®) Platinum certification. LEED is an international certification used in over 1.

Dartford FC/ Princes Park Dartford Football Club is soaring as the fifth tier of English soccer and so are their sustainability efforts for their stadium. In 2. 00. 5, the Princes Park Stadium was renovated with newly added sustainable features such as a “living roof.” Living roofs can also be called roof blankets. Theses roof tops reduce heating and add thermal resistance value to different structures while reducing storm water runoff.

The Princes Park roof blanket also produces a natural air filtration system. To top it off, during construction of the park in 2. Forest Green Rovers F. C. Forest Green Rovers Football Club may not be in the premier league but they certainly keep their stadium in shape like a top flight team.

Based in Gloucestershire, England, Forest Green Rovers have dreams of becoming Great Britain’s most sustainable football club. Not only is their stadium eco- friendly but their match day menu is completely vegan. You wouldn’t be able to find any red meat in the stadium concessions on a game day.

The players are served a strict vegan diet and the fans are served vegan pies. If that was not impressive enough, the all organic stadium field is maintained by a solar- powered robotic lawn mower. With 1. 00 solar panels on the Forest Green Rover property, the stadium has made a huge impact by using solar power to generate its energy. Major League Soccer/ MLS WORKS: Greener Goals. We can’t talk sustainability and Soccer without the Major League Soccer (MLS) organization.

MLS teams and employees have partnered with charitable organizations to volunteer their time and give back through eco- friendly initiatives—one of those initiatives being MLS WORKS. MLS WORKS is a member of the Green Sports Alliance, a non- profit organization that encourages the influence of sports to promote health and sustainability in communities. The Alliance inspires their partners and millions of fans to adopt energy, healthy nutrition choices, recycling, water efficiency, species preservation, safer chemicals and other environmentally safe practices. In the past MLS WORKS has had over 1,5.

MLS players, employees and supporters get involved and has donated more 6,5. Watch All About Anna Online All About Anna Full Movie Online. All of the noted teams, stadiums and organizations have made a tremendous contribution to the environment with their green initiatives and plans.

Whether you’re a super fan of the game or simply watch to enjoy the company of friends and family, let’s continue to support the efforts made to include sustainability in sports. To watch the latest premier league match tune into NBC Sports Soccer.

Watch Record- Setting NASA Astronaut Peggy Whitson Return to Earth Tonight. NASA astronaut and biochemist Peggy Whitson will return to Earth as the planet’s new record holder for longest time cumulatively spent on space by an American or a woman this weekend, touching down in a Russian Soyuz capsule in Kazakhstan at 7: 2. Eastern). Whitson has spent the last nine and a half months in Earth orbit on the International Space Station, per the Washington Post, and counting her previous flights, will have logged 6. During her current mission, she also set the world record for oldest woman in space at 5. As the Post noted, she is also the only female astronaut to have commanded the ISS twice.

According to the Post, one of the colleagues returning with her has spent even longer in the aether: Russian cosmonaut Fyodor Yurchikhin, who has cumulatively spent eight more days aloft than Whitson at 6. The current world record holder, cosmonaut Gennady Padalka, spent some 8. Russians have long dominated both cumulative and single- flight durations in space; the single longest spaceflight record holder is Valeri Polyakov, who spent just short of 4.

As Tech. Crunch noted, Whitson was scheduled to return in June but “happily accepted” an invitation to stay on the ISS longer when Russian space agency Roscosmos canceled a joint mission to the station earlier in 2. Also accompanying Whitson and Yurchikhin on their way home is US astronaut Jack Fischer, who will have spent 1.

Whitson wrote she will “hugely miss the freedom of floating and moving with the lightest of touch, especially those first few days after my return when gravity will especially SUCK,” the Post reported. She will also miss “the enchantingly peaceful limb of our Earth,” adding, “Until the end of my days, my eyes will search the horizon to see that curve.” Watch Whitson, Yurchikhin and Fischer’s return in real time via NASA’s live feed below.[Tech.