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Delhi (Hindi: दिल्ली, Urdu: دلّی, Punjabi: ਦਿੱਲੀ) [http:// is India's capital city and the home of executive, legislative.
Dresses_(3. 13) 2. Days Later_(5) 2. Weeks Later_(9. 1) 2. NE1_(1. 2) 3 Crosses_(6) 3 Days to Kill_(3) 3 garçons, 1 fille, 2 mariages_(1. Reis_(1) 3: 1. 0 to Yuma_(1. Days of Night_(1.
Minute Meals_(1. 27) 3. Minutes or Less_(3) 3. Rock_(1. 56. 1) 3. Rise of an Empire_(3. Rock from the Sun_(2.
Texas_(2) 4. 0 Days And 4. Nights_(1. 3) 4. 2nd Street_(5. First Dates_(3) 5.
Minutes Inside_(5. Minutos_(1. 0) 6 Years_(4) 6. Park Avenue_(1. 11) 7 Khoon Maaf_(1. Watch Jack Online. Seconds_(1. 4) 7 Things_(6.
Heaven_(7. 67) 8 Mile (film)_(1. Out of 1. 0 Cats Does Countdown_(1. Simple Rules_(1. 49. Women_(1. 25) 8. 00 Words_(2) 8. Minutes_(1. 28) 9 to 5 (Dolly Parton song)_(6. Minutes_(3) 9. 9 volume 1_(1) 9am with David_(3) 9nine_(7) A Bag Of Hammers_(2. A Beautiful Mind_(3.
A Casa das Sete Mulheres_(3) A Cinderella Story_(5. A Cinderella Story: Once Upon a Song_(6.
A Curious Thing_(7) A Dangerous Method_(6. A Dirty Shame_(4. A Fairly Odd Christmas_(4. A Fairly Odd Movie: Grow Up, Timmy Turner!_(4. A Favorita_(1) A Few Good Men_(1. A Fine Frenzy_(4) A Fine Romance (1.
TV series)_(3) A Fish Called Wanda_(8. A Fork in the Road_(3) A French Woman_(3.
A Girl Called Rosemary_(3) A Golden Christmas 3_(7) A Good Year_(1. A Grande Família_(2) A g. URLs w. URLd_(2) A Ilha do Biquíni_(6) A Indomada_(1) A Killer Among Friends_(1. A Knight's Tale_(1. A la mala (2. 01. A Late Quartet_(2.
A League of Their Own_(1. A Lei do Amor_(1) A Little Night Music_(9) A Lot Like Love_(7. A Madea Christmas (film)_(4. A Midsummer Night's Dream (1.
A Midsummer Night's Sex Comedy_(6) A Million Ways to Die in the West_(7. A Mother's Rage_(6. A Mountain is a Mouth_(2) A Nanny's Revenge_(4. A Night at the Roxbury_(2. A Night like This_(5) A Nightmare on Elm Street_(3. A Nightmare on Elm Street (2.
Film)_(3. 62) A Noite da Virada_(1. A Place in the Sun (TV series)_(9) A Praça é Nossa_(7) A Princess for Christmas_(1. A Room with a View (1. A Secret_(1. 2) A Shot in the Dark_(5) A Smile Like Yours_(1.
A Strange Brand of Happy_(3) A Streetcar Named Desire_(4) A Tall Winter's Tale_(2. A Time to Kill (1. A Única Mulher_(5) A Very Long Engagement_(3. A Vida da Gente_(4) A Vida é Mesmo Agora - Ao Vivo_(3) A Walk to Remember_(3. A- Teens_(1) A–Teens_(2. A. I. Artificial Intelligence_(4) A.
N. T. Farm_(1. 83) Aaha Kalyanam_(5) Aaru Sundarimaarude Katha_(2) Aashiqui 2_(4. Aayirathil Oruvan (2. ABBA_(2. 52) ABC News_(1. Abcho_(9. 5) Abduction_(5.
Abduction (2. 01. Abigail (telenovela)_(3) About a Boy (TV series)_(2. About Last Night.._(1. About Time (2. 01. Above Suspicion: Silent Scream_(4) Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter_(1.
Absolute Beginners (film)_(3. Absolutely Fabulous_(1. ACACIAS 3. 8_(7) Accepted_(1. Accidental switch_(1. Accidentally on Purpose_(8. According to Jim_(1.
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Afterglow (film)_(1. Aftermath (2. 01. TV series)_(2. 1) Against All Odds_(1.
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Alaska (1. 99. 6 film)_(2. Album : Fast Life (2.
Album : Hadise (2. Album : Karaman (2. Album : Sweat (2. Alcatraz_(4. 9) Alev Alev_(3) Alex & Emma_(3. Alex Polizzi: The Fixer_(7) Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day (film)_(2. Alfie (1. 96. 6 film)_(2) Alfombra Roja_(2) Ali G Indahouse_(8. Alias_(4. 30) Alice in Wonderland_(7.
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American Horror Story: Coven_(2. American Horror Story: Freak Show_(2.
American Horror Story: Hotel_(1. American Hustle_(7. American Idol_(1. American Mary_(5) American Ninja Warrior_(3) American Odyssey_(4. American Outlaws_(1. American Pickers_(2) American Pie_(8.
American Pie 2_(1. American Pie Presents: Band Camp_(3. American Pie Presents: The Book of Love_(3. American Reunion_(5.
American Sniper (film)_(4. American Virgin_(5) Amigas & Rivais_(1) Amigas y conocidas_(1) Amistad (film)_(5. Amityville 3- D_(1. Amityville: The Awakening_(2. Amma Nanna O Tamila Ammayi_(4.
Amor à Vida_(4. 1) Amor e Revolução_(1) An Alan Smithee Film: Burn Hollywood Burn_(1. An American Affair_(1. An American Werewolf in London_(6) An Education_(1. Ana y los siete_(1. Anaconda_(4. 52) Anacondas_(6) Ananthabhadram_(2. Anastasia (1. 99. Anchorman_(4. 51) Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues_(3.
Anchorman: The Legend Continues_(3. And God Created Woman_(1.
And Then What?_(5) And When Did You Last See Your Father?_(2) Andromeda (TV series)_(1. Andy Murray's wife_(4) Angel (1.
TV series)_(1. 93. Angels & Insects_(3. Anger Management_(7.
Angie Lopez_(3. 1) Animal (2. Animal (Kesha album)_(7. Anjo Mau_(8) Anna and the King_(1. Anna Karenina (2. Anna und die Liebe_(4. Annapolis (film)_(1. Annie (1. 99. 9 film)_(7) Annie (2.
Annie (musical)_(7. Another Cinderella Story_(1.
Another Earth_(1) Another Me_(3. Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway_(4. Ant- Man (film)_(5. Ant- Man and the Wasp_(6. Anteprime Miss Italia_(2) Antiques Roadshow_(4. Antônia_(2) Any Given Sunday_(3. Aoi Kuruma_(1. 0) APB (TV series)_(4.
Apink_(1) Aqua (band)_(6) Aquaman (film)_(1. Aquamarine_(4. 03) Aquele Beijo_(3) Aqui há talento_(3) Aquí no hay quien viva_(6. Arch Enemy_(2. 7) Archer (TV series)_(1. Arctic Air_(1) ARD- Morgenmagazin_(6. Are We There Yet?
Cuzco - Wikitravel. Cuzco. Cuzco (also "Cusco", or "Qosqo" in Quechua), located in the Southern Sierras is a fascinating city that was the capital of the Inca Empire. Cuzco is a Unesco World Heritage Site and is one of Peru's most visited cities as it is the largest and most comfortable city from which tourists can begin visits to Machu Picchu, the Sacred Valley of the Incas, and other Inca sites in the region. Understand[edit]Cuzco is a beautiful city with well preserved colonial architecture, evidence of a rich and complex history. The city itself represents the center of indigenous Quechua culture in the Andes, and by merely walking the streets one sees the layers of history. Spanish colonial buildings erected directly atop Inca walls line the square, while the modern tourist nightlife flourishes in their midst. The city is surrounded by a number of ruins, the most impressive being Sacsayhuaman, the site of the 1.
Pizarro's men charged uphill to battle the forces of the Inca. Nowadays, Cuzco is known for its indigenous population- -often seen on the streets in traditional clothing- -and its substantial tourist- fueled night life. At 3,4. 00 m above sea level, altitude sickness (soroche) can be a problem. See the Stay healthy section for advice. Altitude sickness tends to sneak up on you and although its symptoms may not be apparent at first, it has the potential to develop into something extremely dangerous. More information on Cuzco is available from the official Tourist Office. Directur, Portal Blankets 1.
Plaza de Armas). Weather[edit]June- August. Cuzco can be very hot during the day and quite cold in the early morning and late at night. If you get cold easily, you might want to carry a hat, gloves, and several layers in your day pack to use at night, that you can peel off during the day for complete summer mode. Cuzco is somewhat dusty and you will be very happy wearing a boot/sneaker mix such as Keens, rather than for example flip flops. By plane[edit]The airport is at the edge of the city (taxi ride). There are daily internal flights to and from Lima, Arequipa and small jungle airstrips in the Amazon basin.
The following airlines offer flights to/from Cuzco. Latam - One. World - (formerly LAN Perú and TAM) [2. Watch Lessons From The Night Dailymotion here. Arequipa, Juliaca, Lima and Puerto Maldonado), with around 2.
Lima. Avianca - Star Alliance - (formerly Taca) [2. Lima and Puerto Maldonado in Peru. And Bogotá, Colombia), 5 non- stop flights to Lima. Peruvian Airlines [2. Lima and La Paz, Bolivia), 6 non- stop flights to Lima.
LC Peru [2. 3] (Lima), 5 non- stop flights to Lima. Star. Peru [2. 4] (Lima and Puerto Maldonado), with 2 daily non- stop flights to Lima.
Viva Air [2. 5] (Lima and others) Amaszonas [2. La Paz, Bolivia)It is best to book the earlier flights to avoid weather delays and overbooking. The closest major international airport is Lima.
The cheapest one- way flights to Lima cost around US$1. LAN or Avianca will cost around $3. Beware there is a differential - lower - fare for Peruvian citizens. Star. Peru, Peruvian Airlines and LC Peru generally have the cheapest flights. Frequently, bad weather conditions can cause flights to be canceled, often up to two days on end. If you are flying straight into Cuzco, beware of altitude sickness for the first couple of days.
With only 5 gates and a few off the main terminal this airport is fairly small but because it sees thousands of tourists a day, it has a good amount of facilities. There are a few restaurants before and after security and some shops too. Massage facilities and communication services are also available. There are a few ATMs in the check- in Area. If you have time, look across the parking lot for last- minute shopping.
There is a VIP lounge at the airport (Cusco AVA International). Airport taxes as of June 2. Note that the market rate for a taxi from the airport to the Plaza de Armas is around 1. Only used marked taxi cabs and agree on the price to your destination before getting into the vehicle.
Using unmarked taxis is not recommended. There is no single "official" taxi company. Instead, people rent booths at the airport and put up an "official taxi" sign and you book with them. Then, they talk to one of the taxis out front on and have them take you.
Bus from airport to plaza de armas. Airport to Plaza de Armas: Get out of the airport at your right, there is a bus stop.
Ask the combis that stop there if they go to plaza de armas. It is not a very comfortable trip, very crowded but manageable and it took around 3. You can get off at the last stop of Av El Sol, which is very close to the Plaza de Armas. Nobody charged anything extra for the backpacks.
It costs 0. 7. 0 soles. Plaza de Armas to Airport: You can get the bus at Av El Sol close to the crossing with Ayacucho.
Ask the street sellers about the combis to the airport. It seems like a very frequent as we didn't wait for long. The journey is not a very comfortable trip, very crowded but manageable and it took around 3. It costs 0. 7. 0 soles and nothing extra for the backpacks. Tell the driver that you are going to the airport and you can get off right across the street from the main entrance.
The Terminal Terrestre is about 2. SW of the Centro Historico, a 2. Av. Sol to Micaeda Bastidas, which is also 3- 4km west of the airport terminal. You can also take a taxi for a few soles (paid 8 S./ April 2. Buses are plentiful to and from other Peruvian and Bolivian cities like Lima (about 2. Puno (6- 8 hr, 2. Nov 2. 01. 5 was 1.
Power), Arequipa (1. Nazca (1. 4- 1. 6 hr), Copacabana (9- 1. La Paz (1. 2- 1. 5hr, 9. The main roads are mostly quite good, but some can be bad, making trips take longer than expected. Also, make sure your bus has a bathroom or that it stops for bathroom breaks every couple of hours before you buy tickets.
There are Puno- Cuzco buses that have/do neither, and that can mean a VERY long 6- 8 hours. Be very careful if arriving early in the morning.
You would be approached by touts from hostels that can't fill their rooms in other ways. They offer you nice looking folders from Hospedaje Harry but when you arrive it's not as pretty. Problems with water (not enough to even flush the toilet), very cold inside. They refused to give us back the money we stupidly paid at arrival. It pays to book in advance or wait few hours and check a few different places by yourself.
This city is full of accommodations at all price ranges. Expreso Los Chankas, Pje Cáceres 1. One of the only companies to offer direct service from Ayacucho to Cusco. Buses at 6: 3. 0AM and 7. PM. Cruz del Sur offers a very comfortable "cruzero suite" service direct to/from Lima, with multiple departures daily. Tickets can be booked online as well as in agencies and hotels.
Standard fares are around $6. USD, with promotional fares available if you book in advance. The service is comparable to flying on board a good airline with films, hot food, drinks, good toilets and even a bingo game. Note that Cruz del Sur buses arrive at the company's own terminal, which is about 7. Terminal Terrestre. Taxis to the Plaza de Armas are around S/ 1.
Cruz del Sur terminal. You can also take Cruz del Sur from Lima to Paracas, Ica (Huacachina), and Nazca before ending in Cusco. By rail[edit]Cuzco is connected to Machu Picchu and Puno by rail.
Rail service was recently discontinued to Arequipa. This service is operated by Peru. Rail[2. 7]. Get around[edit]The center of Cuzco is small enough to walk around, although you will probably need to catch a bus or taxi to the bus station, Sacsayhuamán or airport. Beware about walking around at night alone and/or drunk, robberies have often been reported.
Taxis are very common in Cuzco. Officially they cost 2- 4 soles depending on distance. Often many drivers are not locals. Beware when using taxis at night; robberies have been reported in collusion with taxi cab drivers, at certain times radio taxis may be the safest option. The driver might also try to extort a hefty sum of money (1. Just pay 5 soles and leave it at that.