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Why Muslims hate Zakir Naik so much? Zakir Bhai MBBS aka Dr Zakir Naik has been among the most hated public figures of today.

Deoband recently issued a fatwa against him. There is no doubt that Zakir Bhai is among the most smartly marketed religious celebrity of last few years. He claims to represent and propagate Islam. He considers himself a servant of Muhammad (pbuh). Yet it is the Muslims and Islamic clerics who hate Zakir Naik the most.

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Watch32 - Watch Movies on - Watch32 is the Biggest Library of free Full Movies. Watch 32 Movies Online. Historical Dictionary of Middle Eastern Intelligence Ephraim Kahana Muhammad Suwaed. Historical Dictionaries of Intelligence and Counterintelligence, No. 10. Dr Zakir Naik back-stabs fellow Muslims for false glory. Or does he have a hidden agenda. Read to know inside story of fraud IRF research. Nutrition Plans for Morning Workouts. Working out in the morning gives you an energy boost and ensures that you get your workout done before your schedule gets in the. XXX 3 0 T H. VOL. XXXI • NO. 7 • 4 SECTIONS 20 PAGES • P18 • FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 2017 • •

In this post, I shall briefly list out reasons why Muslims hate Zakir Naik so much that many claim that he would be the first person to enter Dozakh. Let me provide a brief background. Watch Roadie Tube Free. Most people consider Islam to be the religion propagated by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and narrated in Kalam- e- Pak Quran.

Reasons why Muslims hate Zakir Naik so much. What makes this protagonist of fake Islam the most hated person of contemporary Islam?

On surface it appears all so simple. Quran proclaims that one who submits to the word of final messenger of Allah shall achieve Heaven. But things are not so simple for a layman, and even a scholar. Because while there is only one Quran and one Prophet Muhammad, there is tremendous variety in the types of interpretations that so- called Muslims make out of this book and this great social- reformer. In short, Islam is not as monolithic as it appears to be. The number of sects in Islam are more than 7. All these sects have different customs, different levels of tolerances for non- Muslims, different food habits, different interpretations of Quran, different level of importance given to Muhammad and his associates and different descriptions of Heaven and Hell.

The Shia- Sunni dispute is clearly known. What makes the things even more confusing is the belief that of these 7. Heaven. Rest go to Hell. Thus it is not sufficient to just be a Muslim to achieve Heaven, you need to follow only the right sect. Now each sect fights to prove that they are the genuine sect. Some sects are liberal enough to allow even non- Muslims to Heaven.

Some Muslims are even promoters of vegetarianism. Some consider nation ahead of everything else. But there are some who believe that all except those who fully believe in their sect and its practices without questioning anything, alone will go to Heaven. Rest of all will be in Hell forever even if they do best of the deeds throughout their lives. Among the most fanatic of these cults is the neo- Wahabi cult.

This is supposed to be the producer of largest number of terrorists including Osama and Al Qaeda since its inception in 1. Muslims. Dr Zakir Naik belongs to this Wahabi cult, believes that only this Wahabi version of Islam can bring anyone close to Heaven, and rest of all will go to Hell. So as per Zakir Naik, Sufi will go Hell, Shia will go to Hell, Ismaili will go to Hell, Ahmadiyas will go to Hell, Hindu will go to Hell, Christian will go to Hell, Jew will go to Hell, And things are not as simple. Further, he mixes his Wahabism with material from other scholars of different sects to create his own Zakirism, that in the process blatantly insults and disgraces the vision of Islam as per other sects, including the more tolerant ones. His Zakirism goes to such extent that he does not even spare Wahabis from humiliations. Let us see how: a.

Zakir Bhai MBBS claims to be an expert of comparative religions. In his site, he has put lots of articles on comparative religions under his name. But in reality, they are merely word to word copy of texts from Qadiyani/Ahmadiyya sources. So what is wrong if one refers to Qadiyani or Ahmadiyya sources?

Perhaps nothing, except that: – Qadiyanis/ Ahmadiyyas are considered Kafirs and are prosecuted by most Muslims for their radical beliefs.– Wahabis have been greatest enemies of Qadiyanis– The content of the Qadiyani writings that Zakir Bhai MBBS has swindled under his own name are blatantly against core beliefs of rest of the Muslims including Wahabis. For example, Zakir Bhai MBBS tries to prove that Vedas prophecize about Muhammad. This has been completely refuted in a three- part expose starting with this article)Now this belief gels with the Qadiyani…This post is part of following Agniveer book.

To continue reading full post and to know what goes on inside the mind of an Islamic terrorist, brainwashed by radical Islamists, get this eye- opening book. The only book of its kind to solve the problem of brainwashing and self- radicalization)About the Book.

For first time, complete refutation of every point a Jihadi thinks to justify his hate against non- believers. The only book of its kind to solve the problem of brainwashing and self- radicalization. Zakir Naik’s rise has been significantly correlated with rise of terror- attacks across the globe. The terrorists involved in Dhaka siege, the ISIS Hyderabad Module Chief, Areeb Majeed who fled from India to join ISIS – all had one trait in common. Zakir Naik was their mentor.

Anyone from Indian subcontinent who has been active on terror- related issue would have definitely come across hundreds of fanatic young Muslims who believe that Allah will grant them 7. Heaven if they convert non- Muslims and hate idol- worshipping Hindus. The vulnerable Muslim youth from Indian sub- continent, who does not know Arabic, relies on his interpretation of Quran and Hadiths as authentic Islam. Now his spread has reached weak minds in other countries as well. They quote verbatim from lectures and writings of Zakir Naik that are sure- shot recipe for breeding terrorists. These fanatics would turn violent if you counter- question. The situation is indeed terrifying.

Unless we do something, vast number of terrorists are already breeding worldwide who would conduct another Florida attack or Dhaka killing – lone- wolf or planned – as a religious duty. The fanatic belief- set comprises following– Only Muslims will go to Heaven. All non- Muslims will burn forever in Hell. Even if she is Mother Teresa or Gandhi.– Among Muslims, only those who have converted non- Muslims will go to Heaven– Jihad against non- Muslims is gateway to Heaven– Osama Bin Laden was not a terrorist. America is a terrorist– Sharia Law must be implemented worldwide.– As per Sharia Law, those who leave Islam must be killed– In Muslim rule, non- muslims must not be allowed to preach. But Muslims must preach in non- Muslim countries– Those who worship graves – like Sufis – are worst of creatures– Hindus deserve to be called Kafirs – the worst of creatures. Agniveer raised alarm against Zakir Naik 8 years ago and has been working relentlessly against radical Islam.

Several youth who came back from clutches of Zakir Naik have narrated shocking details of his brainwashing cartel. To fight this rise of terror, Agniveer created detailed rebuttals to Zakir’s speeches and articles that saved vast number of youths from adopting the path of hatred. It exposed the workings of Islamic Research Foundation formed by Zakir Naik that funded and promoted people who instigated genocide and war against India.

Many of these exposes had to be withdrawn because government underestimated the threat Zakir posed to world peace and instead Agniveer had to face security threats. In this book, we bring together all those writings that establish the threat that Zakir Naik poses. And soundly thrashes his every radical argument. Not just Zakir Naik, the book soundly answers every radical argument of every fanatic who instigates people to adopt hate as religion. This book can save the world if translated in major languages and circulated among vulnerable youth.

And will equip non- Muslims to not fall trap to his promise of false Heaven by hating non- Muslims. It has already saved thousands and prevented many terror attacks.

The only way to counter self- redicalization is to destroy the source – those fanatics who breed hatred against non- Muslims in name of Islam that means Peace. Funds from the book will be used to fight terrorism and prevent the next attacks. Facebook Comments. Facebook Comments. Liked the post? Make a contribution and help bring change. Disclaimer: By Quran and Hadiths, we do not refer to their original meanings.

Indiana Jones Indiana Jones Wiki. Indiana Jones"It's not the years, honey, it's the mileage.".

Indiana Jones[src]Dr. Henry Walton Jones, Junior was an American archaeologist most famously known as Indiana Jones or Indy. During World War I, he used the name Henri Defense, and went by a number of aliases throughout his life. He was married at least twice, fathered a son and daughter, and had several grandchildren and great- grandchildren. Throughout his career, Jones found numerous famous mythological artifacts, including the Sankara Stones, the Ark of the Covenant, the Holy Grail, and the Crystal Skull of Akator, which placed him in conflict with different groups across the globe.

Born July 1, 1. 89. Princeton, New Jersey, Jones' life was indelibly influenced when he accompanied his parents, Henry Sr. Anna Jones on a world lecture tour from 1. Throughout his travels, Jones encountered many important figures in history who shaped his outlook on life.

After the return home, his mother became ill and died. The Father and son relocated to Utah in 1. Anna, their relationship became increasingly strained. As Henry Sr. withdrew into his studies, Indiana found himself in various locations as his father lectured once again.

By 1. 91. 6, Indiana and his father had moved back to Princeton. While on Spring Break that year, Indiana quit high school, briefly participated in the Mexican Revolution, and spent the next three years fighting in World War I. Afterwards, he attended the University of Chicago, where he studied under Professor Abner Ravenwood, later transferring to France, where he earned an undergraduate degree in linguistics.

In 1. 92. 5, he began a brief relationship with Ravenwood's daughter Marion, which ended his friendship with Abner. Once a graduate, he briefly became an archaeology teacher in London where he met student Deirdre Campbell. Their romance led to marriage in 1. Deirdre's life. In the years leading up to World War II, Jones secured a teaching position at Marshall College. In 1. 93. 6, the US Government contracted him to find the Ark of the Covenant, which led him to be reunited with Marion Ravenwood.

The relationship lasted until Jones left a week before their wedding. During the war, Jones joined the OSS along with girlfriend Sophia Hapgood.

The Cold War brought the Soviets into competition as a new world power and Indy found himself the focal point of their quest for Akator. After Soviet agents kidnapped him, he agreed to help his son Mutt Williams rescue his father figure and Indy's colleague Harold Oxley. Indy and Marion were reunited and their reconciliation finally led to marriage. Jones' lifetime of adventures eventually took its toll: he sustained a wound to one eye, and was forced to walk with a cane during his 9. By the early 1. 99.

New York City area with his daughter and grandchildren. Biography. Edit. Early life. Edit"Henry was a.. Helen Seymour[src]Indy as a toddler.

Indiana Jones was born Henry Walton Jones Jr.[1] to a Scottish- bornprofessor of medieval studies, Henry Jones, and his wife Anna on July 1, 1. Princeton, New Jersey.[2] Henry Jr. Susie, but she died at an early age.[3] While still in the crib, Henry's parents introduced him to an Alaskan Malamute puppy named Indiana.[4] The two quickly bonded and the dog was a friend and companion throughout the earliest decades of Jones' life. When Henry Jr. had first learned to walk, he demonstrated this ability by somehow finding his way up the roof of the family house, which forced his father to climb up after him. By 1. 90. 5, young Henry had adopted the name of his beloved dog for himself[5] (though his father would continue to refer to him as "Junior" well into his adult life[6]). At some point in 1. Indy and his parents visited relatives in New Mexico, and it was there that Indy rode on a pony - the first time he ever rode a horse, a talent he would eventually fully master.[7] When Indy was seven years old he first developed a fascination for the bullwhip, when he saw a whip- act in a traveling circus.[8] As a boy, Henry Jr.

Paul Robeson.[9]Henry was a curious and restless child, who often preferred to spend time with Indiana, play baseball with his friends, or conduct experiments instead of staying at school. At one time he tried to break the landspeed record, and at another point he tried to send his dog to the moon. Henry was a big fan of professional baseball, and his favorite team was the New York Giants, while Christy Mathewson was his favorite player. He took piano lessons, but didn't think he was very good at it so he quit.[1. Following the success of his books, Professor Jones was invited on a two year long world lecture tour of schools and universities.

From 1. 90. 8 to 1. Indiana" and Anna were to accompany him on his travels around the globe. So "Junior" wouldn't be losing out on his studies, Professor Jones decided to hire his old Oxford University tutor Miss Helen Margaret Seymour. As such, their first port of call was to her home in England.

Still living in the city of Oxford, Miss Seymour was introduced to the boy then declined Professor Jones' offer. She believed him too young. Nor did Indiana want to see any more of her.

But Henry Sr. was determined for his son to have the best tutor he could get. Seymour eventually relented and the family began the two year stretch. It would be nine days of study before Indiana saw his first adventure. The Jackal's curse.

Edit. Indiana Jones: "I'd like to be an archaeologist.". T. E. Lawrence: "Maybe you'll add a new page to history or discover a treasure beyond price."―Jones' first meeting with Lawrence.[src]They crossed the Mediterranean and landed at Alexandria in Egypt before moving on to Cairo. While Professor Jones lectured at the university, Miss Seymour took Indiana to see the Great Pyramids but hadn't paid their guide enough. He stole their camels as they scaled one of the ancient structures and left them stranded. Alone and unsure what to do next, the appearance of a figure heading in their direction on a bicycle surprised Miss Seymour as she recognized he was an old acquaintance of hers: Thomas Edward Lawrence.

Jones in Egypt in 1. With Lawrence's supplies, the three camped at the base of the pyramid to see the night through. Indiana was fascinated by Lawrence's account of opening a tomb and suggested he'd like to be an archaeologist.

Lawrence was happy to entertain the idea, but admonished the boy when Indiana brought up the possibility of becoming rich from the profession, encouraging him instead to see archaeology as something to be shared with the world. The conversation led to Lawrence inviting Indiana and Miss Seymour to join him on a trip near the Valley of the Kings where his friend Rasheed Sallam was working on a dig site alongside Howard Carter. Having acquired Professor Jones' permission and a thick journal imparted to him to chronicle his journey, Indiana and his tutor accompanied Lawrence up the Nile river the following day to reach their destination. The stretch would earn him another lesson as Lawrence showed him the importance of learning the language of any country he visits. Sallam greeted them on their arrival to the camp where they discovered work was stalling after word had spread that a curse had befallen the site following the recent excavation of a tomb belonging to the Ancient Egyptian architect/engineer known as Kha.

Neither Sallam nor Carter entertained the notion of a curse, and Indiana was shown some of the artifacts that has been discovered in the area as part of Carter's desire to find the tomb of boy king Pharaoh, Tutankhamun. Treasures that attracted the attention of onsite photographer, Pierre Duclos, and Demetrios, demolitionist and chief proponent of the curse's threat.

He that enters my tomb I shall burn with my fire.". Inscription within Kha's tomb[src]Carter allowed Indiana to be the first to enter Kha's tomb.