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Raven-haired Jeanette looks ultra stunning in her exotic black lingerie, as she trails a feather sensually over her body and her lovely lips. The mischievous. Exclusive Sadomasochism movies and bdsm videos from feature extreme S&M of female slave girls in pain, bondage, punishments and tears. Genuine. I watched Disney’s insanely popular Frozen (now the highest grossing animated film of all time) and tried to really focus on this theory that the film is some kind.
Disney’s ‘Frozen’ conspiracy theories - Illuminati. Watcher. I watched Disney’s insanely popular Frozen (now the highest grossing animated film of all time) and tried to really focus on this theory that the film is some kind of Disney subliminal brainwash to make kids homosexual. I’ve got to say that I think it’s silly and unfounded. Don’t get me wrong, Disney is no saint, and I’ve got plenty of Disney conspiracy theories and symbolism on this website to prove it, but as far as Frozen turning kids gay; I highly doubt it. I know this sounds absurd coming from the same guy that drones on about shape shifting reptilians and All Seeing Eyes in music videos, but I’ll try to explain myself here.*Spoilers*If you’re new to this idea that Frozen is a pro- homosexual agenda film (and you’re probably not), it apparently blew up from the Mormon blogger Kathryn Skaggs at Well. Behaved. Mormon. Woman who posted about it back in February after watching the film a few times (although the idea was already online at other websites like National Catholic Register).
I read through her post, which is pretty exasperating because she doesn’t narrow down her support for this theory too precisely, and I really only found one or two pieces of evidence that might be considered. Those would be the song Let It Go and the storyline involving opening and closing of gates. We’ll get to both of these in the final section of this post where I go into my conspiracy theory nonsense about the film. And just to talk a little shit, she says typical right- wing stuff like: “Remember, that in today’s liberal society allowing almost anything, even legalizing it, in the name of “love” trumps sin- it’s that powerful of an ideology”. To pluck out one tiny thing from the Old Testament (homosexuality) and claim that love wouldn’t trump it sounds ignorant as hell. I’m pretty sure ‘judgment’ was on the list of things ‘not- to- do’ as well, so take it easy.
Letting homosexuals hold one another’s hands while one is sick and/or dying in a hospital room seems like a reasonable, rational, and loving thing to do; call me crazy. If you’re worried that your church will start marrying homosexuals under some kind of forced regulation than you’re more paranoid than I am. Skaggs’ opinion seems to be echoed by other right- wingers like radio host Pastor Kevin Swanson who claimed that Elsa’s magical powers are the metaphor for homosexuality. The support for this is the fact that Elsa is hidden from her public and family in the ice tower; akin to how homosexuals are demonized. Skaggs supports this theory by claiming that: “Shame is at the core of Elsa’s feelings about her magical powers: same- sex attraction”While this is sort of a reasonable idea, I find this to be counter intuitive to the argument, because the claim that anyone would choose to be homosexual is ridiculous and this is one of the reasons why it’s ridiculous. The idea that Elsa stays in this miserable and lonely existence in the tower, separated from the ones she loves actually supports the argument that homosexuality would never be a choice because who would choose to go through all of the things that go along with taking that path if they truly had a choice of being straight or homosexual? Being a functioning human in today’s society is difficult enough, I can’t imagine how much more difficult you’d make it on yourself if you ‘chose’ to be homosexual.
Not to mention that I can’t think of anything more problematic than forcing yourself to be sexually attracted to someone that you’re not, even if you’ve been indoctrinated by Disney to think that. And then on top of all of that, there’s not one example of Elsa or Anna showing love for another woman in the film (unless you want to count the sisterly love which saves Anna).
And to go into it a bit more, the woman who blogged about it comes from a Mormon background apparently, and that faith hasn’t really been to progressive in the treatment of gay people. Watch Forever Young Online Freeform. From an article about Mormon Gay Cures on ABC: Twice a week for six months, he jolted himself with painful shocks to the penis to rid himself of his attraction to men.“I kept trying to fight it, praying and fasting and abstaining and being the best person I could,” said Cameron, now a 5. University of Iowa.“I was never actively gay, never had any encounters with men — never had moments when I failed and actually had sex with other men,” he said. Watch Veijarit Online.
But his undercurrent of feelings put him in direct conflict with the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter- day Saints (LDS) and its principles.“As teens we were taught that homosexuality was second only to murder in the eyes of God,” he said. Kind of weird and creepy if you ask me. But to each his own, I’m not knocking on any faiths but I’ll definitely knock on unequal treatment. So anyhow, here’s my conspiracy theory on the film, which kind of supports what the others are saying, but not in such a homophobic way: First off, notice that Disney killed the parents off right away. This is typical in trauma based mind control and you see it in practically every Disney movie.
I can see that the destruction of the typical nuclear family is one of the Disney agendas, as they’ve done it many times in the past with one or both parents getting wacked right from the jump (although it’s a leap to say that homosexuality is the next step). The reason they do it is for the warrior/princess programming. They want the girls to chase a life of whimsical fantasy and being taken care of by some hunky prince with lots of money (‘I ain’t saying she’s a gold- digger’), while simultaneously somehow being useless besides being a trophy wife. Similarly, the boys must grow up to protect the princess and be a warrior fighting to the death, a theory that I heard from Freeman Fly who alludes to the support of the military industrial complex machine through Disney (who once let the military run shop out of his studios, and also produced military propaganda films for). Of course, in this film the male figure doesn’t necessarily ‘save the day’ so to speak, and in fact one of the other theories out there is that it is pushing a pro- feminine angle because the women are the heroes here.
Either way, the film shows the “uselessness” of a full family unit when the daughters overcome all adversity. The killing off of the parents is just one of the strange things we typically see in a Disney film, and this one is no exception. The next thing I’d like to introduce is the very overt and obvious casting of magic spells in the film. Of course this makes it a children’s film and I can’t blame them because you’re not going to get children to sit still and watch a documentary by any means, but still; it’s magic. All of Disney is about magic and the basis for this is occult in nature, take the upcoming Maleficent film (from my post about the Illuminati symbolism behind the film): The queen from the original Sun, Moon, and Talia tale will be explored through a portrayal by Angelina Jolie in the 2. Maleficent. Maleficent is a demonic fairy from the Disney fairy tale Sleeping Beauty, who lives up to her title which means “to do harm or evil.” She teleports supernaturally while King Stefan’s daughter, Aurora (played by Elle Fanning) is christened and curses her to die on her 1. The name Aurora means “dawn” and theorists believe it is important to the occult with the symbolism behind the Aurora, Colorado Batman shootings.
The dawn is symbolic of the original tale in that we see more worship of the sun and moon, which is what all of these ancient cultures held as deities and arguably the secret societies and elite Illuminati types continue to worship. There are several images of triangles, which are of great importance in Witchcraft and other occult practices (why do you think you see Jay- Z, Rihanna, et. The L Word Season 2 Episode 1 Free Download on this page.