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Local election results declaration times 2. Your hour- by- hour guide of seats to watch after the polls close. Millions of voters are deciding thousands of seats in a key test for Jeremy Corbyn and Theresa May - and a dry run of the general election. That's right.. it's local elections night! And we're here at Mirror Towers to help guide you through the confusion and the pain. With all sorts of contests declared over nearly 2. So here is our comprehensive guide to what to stay up for on local elections night after polls close at 1.
Thursday 4 May. We also include all the results being declared on the afternoon of Friday 5 May. Is yours on the list? Read More. Who's voting and what for? Labour is fighting to defend its small clutch of county councils - and win big in mayorals (Image: Getty Images Europe)The main elections of the night are for councils, where 4,8. In England it's 2. Doncaster. It does NOT include borough councils which sit under county councils, or urban borough councils, or London boroughs, or most unitary councils.
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That all means Labour is less represented in these elections than it could be - but still has the most seats to defend (see below). But you could see signs of the so- called Lib Dem fightback, or whether UKIP are going to lose ground. All council seats in Scotland and Wales are up for grabs, so at least that's a bit simpler - but the voting system can be fiendish north of the border. In all the parties are defending the following number of seats, according to analysis by the BBC: Labour 1,5. Tories 1,1. 36. Lib Dems 4.
Plaid Cymru 1. 70. UKIP 1. 46. Greens 3. And 6 new metro mayors will be elected in Cambridgeshire & Peterborough, Greater Manchester, Liverpool City Region, Tees Valley, West Midlands and West of England. Many of these are urban areas, and West Midlands in particular being a key test for Labour.

Read More. Local elections 2. England, Scotland and Wales. How are the votes counted? We'd forgive even Theresa May for being confused about this one (Image: REUTERS)English councils: First past the post. You vote in a mega- local 'ward' which usually has about two or three seats. If there are three seats, Labour will stand three candidates and you get three votes. The three candidates with the most votes get in.
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Welsh councils: First past the post. See above. Scottish councils: Single transferable vote.
You also vote in wards, but list your preferences for who you want in order. If no one has an obvious lead, losers drop out and second and third preferences are taken into account using a head- scratching formula.
This means many Scottish councils are complex coalitions, so we won't be commenting too much on them in this guide. Metro mayors: Supplementary vote. There's one candidate for each party and you mark a first and second choice. If no candidate has 5. What are we measuring against? Ed Miliband was Labour leader when these councils were last picked (Image: BBC)These councils last held elections four or five years ago, in 2.
Scotland and Wales) or 2. England). So if Labour gain or lose seats, you’re measuring their performance against the middle of Ed Miliband’s time in charge nationally. In 2. 01. 3, Labour gained nearly 3. Tories lost just under 3. The Lib Dems lost just over 1. And UKIP gained just over 1. EU. A word of caution though - people don’t always pick their councillors by national party.
Plenty of local factors are going on too. For mayoral elections, there is mostly nothing to compare against as they are the first to take place. How do I follow the results? We'll be following the detailed area- by- area election results live on mirror. The overall results as they come in are below.
When should I tune in? WARNING: Times are best estimates dependent on a huge variety of factors and could be out by several hours, especially the metro mayors. Thursday 4 May. Polls close across England, Wales and Scotland, but the first results aren't due for four hours.
Put the kettle on and munch on a biscuit, but you might want to save the coffee for later. You'll be needing it.
Friday 5 May. The first council declarations of the night roll in for the Isle of Wight in England, and Swansea and Wrexham for Wales. Look at Swansea as an example of how Labour strongholds will do. Some 4. 7 of its councillors are from the party, but 1. Lib Dems. Will Tim Farron's party make gains like it has elsewhere in the country? And will the three Tories expand their number in this Welsh Labour heartland? Swansea also overlaps with the Westminster seat of Gower, which has the thinnest Tory majority in the country of just 2. Which way the wind is blowing.
The first big tranche of declarations for England and Wales - so we should get a first taste of which way the wind is blowing. In Wales it's Cardiff, Flintshire, Merthyr Tydfil and Neath Port Talbot. Watch out for the capital city, which was taken by Labour after years of an unusual Plaid Cymru- Lib Dem coalition. Cardiff is held by Labour after a Plaid- Lib Dem coalition ended (Image: Getty)Over in England we're due to have our first big glut of English councils. Dorset, Somerset and Gloucestershire are all Tory- run but with a good contingent of Lib Dems, who will be hoping to make a comeback or even seize power. Essex, which has six UKIP councillors and had Douglas Carswell as an MP, could be a testing ground for the party amid claims its voters are flocking to the Tories. The Tories, by far the biggest party in Lincolnshire, will be wanting to take it back from No Overall Control.
And Warwickshire will be interesting - it has 2. Tories, 2. 2 Labour councillors and 9 Lib Dems. This is a traditional two- way battle in the West Midlands, which Theresa May is targeting with laser sight. A whole host more Welsh declarations are due to pour in including Newport, Ceredigion, Bridgend and Blaenau Gwent. Theresa May paid one of her first election visits to Bridgend, where her party has just one councillor and Labour have 3. Things can only get better for the Tories. Well, that's one way of looking at it.
Newport should look solid for Labour with 3. Tories will want to eat into it. Over in England, Hampshire is an old stomping ground of the Lib Dems, so they'll be looking to take some of the Tories' 4.
Hampshire seats to add to their 1. But the Tories could gain from UKIP, who have seven seats. Labour's the biggest party in Northumberland, but the Tories and Lib Dems both have a sizable presence - putting the council in no overall control. The first mayor is revealed.