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SWTOR Eternal Championship Guide Dulfy. Patch 4. 4 SWTORDulfy. Apr 2, 2. 01. 6SWTOR Eternal Championship guide with strategies for all 1. This is currently on the PTS and scheduled to arrive with Game Update 4. May. Entry to Eternal Championship. To get access to Eternal Championship, you have to completed Chapter 9 and then head to Zakuul Platform 6 Cantina. In there you will find a NPC named Dominaire who will talk to you and get you started. Once you talk to him, use the console behind him and get the mission as well as the weeklies. You get Eternal Championship Trophies from the weeklies 6 per week and they are legacy bound so you can do this on multiple characters to get gear for one character. Round 1 Arlaia Zayzen. Paparazzi Full Movie. Arlaia Zayen HP 1. Combat Unit AZ 0. HP 2. 9k. Medical Unit AZ 0. HP 3. 3k. Video. Strategy. Relatively straightforward boss. The two adds, Combat Unit and Medical Unit will not attack you but will increase Arlaias damage and heal her. So you want to kill them both first before engaging Arlaia. Arlaia have 3 attacks regular ranged attack that deals about 2. Fragmentation Grenade that deals 6k 1. Snipe which can deal anywhere from 5k to 1. Round 2 Daruula Grah. Walt Disneys timeless masterpiece is an extravaganza of sight and sound See the music come to life, hear the pictures burst into song and experience the excitement. Daruula Grah HP 2. Trained Iknayid 3. Video. Strategy. Daruula comes with two Iknayid pets and spawns sets of two on a timer. You can ignore them for the most part as Daruula throws a Toxic Grenade that follows you around as a red circle and then turns into a yellow static circle. Once the Toxic Grenade turns yellow, you can kite the Iknayids through them as they are vulnerable to the Noxious Do. T applied by the yellow circle. The Trained Iknayid hits for about 4. The Poisonous Iknayid that spawns later have Poison Bites that deals about 2k damage per bite. The Noxious Do. T from the Toxic Genade yellow circle hits for 9 1. Round 3 Gungus Boga. Gungus Boga 1. 89k. Herald of Zildrog 2. Video. Strategy. You can completely ignore the Herald of Zildrog and just burn Gungus. Once Gungus reaches a certain timer he will jump in the middle and grapple you in. He will then chain a massive Ao. E attack called Zildrogs Judgement. If you stand in it you will take a massive 3. DPS if you like to finish him off. Round 4 Conraad and Chompers. Conraad 2. 10k. Chompers 1. Video. Strategy. This is a fight where you dont want to simply kill off one quickly as doing so will cause the remaining one to enrage and gain massive damage buff. M-GBEOm5' alt='Watch Manhunter Online Free 2016' title='Watch Manhunter Online Free 2016' />What you want to do is ignore Conraad and  burn Chompers down to 3. When this happens, Conraad will gain a buff that make him gain more damage but he will also take more damage. This will allow you to shave off a huge chunk of Conraads HP while Chompers regenerates back to full HP. Once Chompers regenerate back to full HP, you want to focus back on Chompers and push it to the regenerative state again. If you kill Conraad before Chompers exit the regenerative state, both will die instantly. However, if Chiompers reach 1. Risky Business Online Putlocker there. HP and then you kill Conraad after, Chomper will enrage and likely kill you. Providing a fresh spin on news, entertainment, fashion, beauty, lifestyle, books, and any and all subjects that concern women. Bustle is an online community. So timing is important here. Chompers main attacks are Acid Puddle yellow circle that turns red which inflicts 7k damage per tick and Klorslug Slam attack which is telegraphed by a red circle that you want to move out of. Conraad has a supressive fire conal attack and basic ranged attacks. In addition Conraad will summon Klorslug LarvaSoldier adds that deals a bunch of rapid low damage attacks that can be dangerous. Round 5 Lanos. Lanos 2. Reprogrammed Skytrooper Shielders 1. Reprogrammed Skytroopers 7k. Video. Strategy. This fight is all about managing adds as Lanos himself is a pushover. Lanos will immediately spawn Reprogrammed Skytrooper Shielders that will make him immune to all damage. To deal with them, use either knockback, interrupt, or stun and they will stop shielding Lanos. They will not die however and will switch their focus to attacking you. The other kind of threat is the Unstable Reprogrammed Skytroopers that will jet charge to you and try to blow you up, You just need to avoid their red circles and they will blow themselves up. Lastly, groups of regular Reprogrammed Skytroopers will spawn that may need to be dealt with. Luckily they have very low HP. Round 6 Breaktown Brawler. Breaktown Brawler 2. King Crush 3. 75k. Mister Ripper 3. Video. Strategy. This is one of the more annoying fights that force you to stay at melee range and you will be taking a lot of damage. So if you havnt used any of the nearby kolto stations it might be good to start using them for this fight. The idea of this fight is that all 3 mobs will reflect any damage dealt by players standing outside their circle. So this force you to stand in melee if you want to do any damage to them or you will die from your own damage. In addition, King Crush and and Mister must not be near each other or they will both gain enraged buff, dealing 2. If you have a tankDPS companion you can send them to deal with one and hold it while you kite the other one around. Otherwise you will need to run around, jump in to damage one and then back out as you see the other approaching to avoid the enrage buff. The brawler himself is fairly annoying. While his individual punches only about 2. Brawler Combo. So you will want to avoid him as much as possible while killing Crush and Ripper. Brawler will also go invul from time to time while channeling Untouchable. This will knock you back at end of the channel. If you get too far from the Brawler he will also teleport to you using Berserker Slam. Once you have killed Ripper or Crush and you have a DPS or tank companion, I find it nice to have them stick on the Brawler while you work on the remaining one so you dont have to wait for brawlers Untouchable invul. If you happen to kill Brawler first, Ripper or Crush will enrage but they dont hit too hard in their enrage mode so you can survive for a while. Round 7 Nocturno Drake Raven. Nocturno 2. 10k. Drake Raven 3. Video. Strategy. Drake Raven is a ranged class that will jetpack around and do the occasional Saturation Fire. However, he will also throw out stun grenades on you that follow you around as a red circle and then remains on the ground until it is triggered by you or one of the NPCs. The goal here is to kill Drake ASAP while kiting Nocturno into those mines and stun her. Keep in mind that the mines have an arming time so it takes a few seconds for them to activate. Nocturno has a stance called Perfect Defense where she will take less damage but also walk more slowly. Her other stance is one where she charges around while getting a buffed damage and movement speed. You want to avoid her when she is charging around and stun her as much as possible by kiting her into the stun mines. She will use an ability called Wild Attack when she is charging around that deals 1. When Drakes gets low in HP, he will summon a bunch of adds that will kidnap and gang up on your companion. When this happens. G0 ON Abductor and all the other droids will explode. Much like enemies from round 6, they can be only damaged in melee range and reflect ranged damage outside their circles. Once you kill Drake, Nocturno will enrage but you can pick up Drakes utility belt. The only abilities you want to use are 1 and 2. You can pretty much keep spamming stun mines with this. The 2 skill will jetpack you to another location. Nocturno for 3s. Nocturno in enrage mode deals 2. Wild Attacks deal upwards of 2. Do not use 4 as it actually summon the abductor droids that will kidnap your companion. Round 8 Little Gut. Little Gut 4. 14k. Apprentice Handler 4. Bogwing 1. 2k. Video. Strategy. Little Gut is a rancor with two attacks that you need to avoid Overhead Smash and Terrifying Roar. Both will do 2. 0k damage if unavoided and Terrifying Roar has a huge knockback that is pretty annoying. Overhead Smash is a small red circle while Terrifying Roar is a long rectangle Ao. E that extends across the arena.