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Everything we know so far about . I have to make all that again.”Will this be Peter Capaldi’s final season as the Doctor?
Peter Capaldi’s Doctor will regenerate in 2. Christmas special. Peter Capaldi: “One of the greatest privileges of being Doctor Who is to see the world at its best.
From our brilliant crew and creative team working for the best broadcaster on the planet, to the viewers and fans whose endless creativity, generosity and inclusiveness points to a brighter future ahead. I can’t thank everyone enough. It’s been cosmic.”Peter Capaldi: “I’ve been asked to stay on and I haven’t made my mind up about that yet, mainly because I don’t want to have to make that decision. Watch Mr. Brooks Online Hollywoodreporter.
I’m trying to avoid it!”Steven Moffat: “I have no reason to suppose that I’m writing out a Doctor! Peter is loving the role, and long may he do so.”Peter Capaldi: “This could be my final year.”Steven Moffat: “Peter Capaldi is going nowhere.”The Mirror: Peter Capaldi has agreed to stay on for “at least one more . I’m trying to argue for slightly more than that, but we’ll see.”When will it air? Season 1. 0 will begin airing at 7. Saturday 1. 5 April 2. Charlotte Moore, Controller of BBC One: “I have decided to schedule Steven’s big finale series in spring 2. Euros and Olympics and I want to hold something big back for 2.
I promise it will be worth the wait!”Steven Moffat: “If you’re talking about scheduling, that’s BBC One – they will speak.”Private Eye: “BBC staff have recently been informed that showrunner Steven Moffat’s commitments to his other hit show Sherlock mean that there will be no full series of Doctor Who in 2. Who will be the new companion? Pearl Mackie was officially revealed as the new Doctor Who companion on Saturday 2. April 2. 01. 6. She will join the show in 2.
Bill Potts. Pearl Mackie: “I’m incredibly excited to be joining the Doctor Who family. It’s such an extraordinary British institution, I couldn’t be prouder to call the TARDIS my home! Peter Capaldi is such a brilliant actor, and his Doctor is such a wacky and wonderful character, I can’t wait to see what adventures are in store for him and Bill throughout time and space.”What will the new companion be like? Pearl Mackie: “. It’s about time isn’t it? That representation is important, especially on a mainstream show.”Pearl Mackie: “She’s funny and geeky and vulnerable.
There’s a goofiness to her and a big heart. She gets things wrong, she has a temper. I thought, . I could play her.’”Steven Moffat: “Bill is someone who asks the questions that nobody has asked for 5. I know there are rumours about her being from the 1. Peter Capaldi: “A fine, fine actress with a wonderful zest and charm, . Fantastically written, cool, strong, sharp, a little bit vulnerable with a bit of geekiness thrown in – I can’t wait to bring her to life, and to see how she develops through the series.”Charlotte Moore, Acting Director of Television: “Pearl brings a wonderful energy and lights up the screen.
She will captivate Doctor Who fans old and new across the globe.”Peter Capaldi: “Clara had prior knowledge of the Doctor. Now we have someone who knows very little about the Doctor.”Mark Gatiss: “If you found a companion who is not at all what you think you might be looking for, but there’s an immediate spark . Once you’re out, you’re out!”Who else will be joining the TARDIS? Comedian Matt Lucas will also be a recurring character in Season 1. Nardole from . I love how Nardole is becoming more textured.”Matt Lucas: “I’m chuffed to bits that Nardole is returning to the TARDIS for some more adventures. I loved acting with Peter . One of the greatest comedy talents on planet Earth is being unleashed on all of time and space.”Who are the writers?
Season 1. 0’s confirmed writers are Steven Moffat, Toby Whithouse, Mark Gatiss, Frank Cottrell- Boyce, Sarah Dollard, Jamie Mathieson, Rona Munro, Peter Harness and Mike Bartlett. Peter Capaldi: “I’m really looking forward to it. We’ve got, great writers. And some fabulous exciting stories.”Steven Moffat: “. If I told you their names, your brain would explode .
He accepts that there’s no money and that there’s no time, and it would have to be when he’s available. I think it’s an interesting combination now, because if you’ve been following this Doctor, you’ve seen him go through all those different colours and all those different places, and as for where he goes now, in Season 1. I don’t know, but he’s been put through the mill.”Peter Capaldi: “I think by the end . So I’m fascinated to know where we’re going to go. Because in some ways he’s much more amenable, but in other ways he’s even darker.
So I think that makes for a very interesting character.”Where and when will the stories be set? Peter Capaldi: “I love seeing the Doctor being really confronted with the most cosmic of challenges. I love him really battling it out to save the universe from some awful threat which is cosmic. And I think we’ve got quite a lot of that coming up, so I’m looking forward to taking the Doctor to the forefront of the cosmic battlefield.”Steven Moffat: “We’re planning one right now which is very much an Ancient World episode, but I won’t tell you which part of the Ancient World.”What will the stories be about? Peter Capaldi: “We began to reflect the modern world . Donkey Punch Full Movie Part 1.
I think the emotional elements of it will come as a surprise to people.”Peter Capaldi: “I think it’s a very action- packed season. It’s a lot of space exploration, and a lot of excitement and drama.”Will there be two- part stories again? Steven Moffat: “We’re going back to more singles . Two- parters worked brilliantly last year, but somehow, with the new companion, you want the simpler version of the show. Next year we will have some two- parters, but it will be back to one- parters mostly.”Steven Moffat: “I was very happy to get rid of two- parters when I did, and .
Something else will happen ! The weirder the better, bring it on!”Peter Capaldi: “Well, . I’d like to back to Vortis, let’s see what the Zarbi and Menoptra look like if we could spend the money they didn’t have. I’d like to see how the Axons are getting on.
I’d like to go and see the moon landing from the moon.”Peter Capaldi: “I’d like to see the Daemons ! How could she not be?”Michelle Gomez: “I can say that I will be doing the next season.”Check out our episode- by- episode guide to Season 1.