Female Fight Club Full Movie Part 1
With so many amazing female mutants in the X-Men Universe, we're looking at the ones who deserve their own big screen adventure.
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Female X- Men Who Deserve Their Own Movie. If the success of the original X- Men trilogy and the First Class reboot with James Mc. Avoy and Michael Fassbender has taught us anything, it’s that people really love to watch the X- Men on the big screen, and this will probably remain the case after this year’s X- Men: Apocalypse. It’s not surprising, given that they center on universal themes like self- acceptance and tolerance for those who may be different. Despite a vast universe filled with diverse characters, however, many of them have yet to be fleshed out on film. The major exception to this is Wolverine, one of the most popular characters and the first to land his own spinoff series.
But even he is starting to overstay his welcome in theaters (X- Men Origins: Wolverine didn’t help) and it’s time for other mutants to shine. As audiences demand a larger female presence on the big screen and awesome characters like Storm are relegated to the background, we’re addressing those wrongs by looking at the women who could lead their own solo ventures. These are the 1. 2 Female X- Men Who Deserve Their Own Movie. Dazzler – Alison Blaire. Born to a free- spirited entertainer and an uptight law student, Alison Blaire’s upbringing was the opposite of her mutant namesake. A clash of personalities led to her mother walking out on her as a toddler, leaving her father to raise her in his own image.
She wanted to be a singer, but he desired a lawyer for a daughter. That familial conflict alone is grounds for a decent coming- of- age film and it’s not even the most interesting part of her story. Allison discovered her power to transform sonic vibrations in her body into beams of light while performing at a middle school dance.
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You might not instantly associate Drew Barrymore with horror, but the Hollywood veteran has a solid association with the genre, going all the way back to Firestarter.
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In an effort to protect herself, she blinds the audience and carries this secret ability into adulthood. Plenty of origin stories lean on a superhero’s desire to be normal and fit in, but Allison’s would be different. As an adult, she accepts her powers and uses them as a way to enhance her performances. She even catches the eye of both the X- Men and Hellfire Club, who wish to recruit her into their respective groups. A solo Dazzler venture would be filled with the fun and musicality of Jem and the Holograms (the TV series, not that live action abomination), along with the internal conflict and sense of wonder of Sam Raimi’s first Spider- Man film. Showtime Full Delivery Online Free. Blink – Clarice Ferguson. We first got a taste of Blink’s awesome abilities on the big screen in X- Men: Days of Future Past and now would be the perfect time for her solo film.

In the comics, she is born during the nightmarish alternate reality where the X- Men take on an ancient mutant named Apocalypse. Sound familiar? That’s who Charles Xavier and company will battle in theaters this May. As a child, Clarice is rescued from Apocalypse by one of his former Horsemen—an X- Men named Sabertooth. He ends up raising her in a strict but loving environment, which is surprising given his harsh and murderous background.
It would be interesting to see her coming up under the tutelage of such an intimidating mutant, and we’d get to see a different side of an X- Men. If Deadpool has taught us anything, it’s that audiences love originality and a movie about Blink would certainly fall under that category. Marrow – Sarah. Imagine if Wolverine’s bone claws weren’t replaced with adamantium and they were able to poke out of every orifice of his body. That’s a rough description of Marrow’s abilities, so you have to it admit she sounds pretty interesting.
Sarah’s full name was never revealed, but we do know that she grew up underground with a group called the Morlocks. When the Marauders, a merry gang of powerful mercenaries, slaughter her people, she is saved by a thief named Gambit (who would later join the X- Men). Their run- in is brief, but it would make for a cool cameo by Channing Tatum, who is set to play the Cajun mutant in an upcoming solo flick.
Plus, her movie would follow her path to redemption in which she joins the X- Men to right the wrongs of her past. Previous offenses include harboring a disdain for humanity, founding a murderous political group that Adolf Hitler would approve of, called Gene Nation, and attempting to assassinate anti- mutant activist Senator Robert Kelley. Her background is spotty as best and that’s just the way we like it. Sage – Real Name Unknown. Little is known of Sage’s background other than that she lived in the Balkan region of Europe as a child. During her teen years, Russia invades Afghanistan and she is forced to learn how to defend herself, developing superior fighting abilities.
In a time where audiences are demanding more originality in comic book films, her story would stray away from the traditional origin tale and delve into the exciting world of secret spies. After rescuing Charles Xavier in a cave, he takes advantage of her telepathic powers and sends her on secret missions in order to advance his agenda of co- existence between humans and mutant. One of her first assignments is to infiltrate an Illuminati- like group call the Hellfire Club, made up of influential mutants who believe they’re better than everyone else. Watch Proof Of Life Online Facebook. Sage’s comic book spy story would certainly bring people to the theaters, and her computer- like brain combined with advanced combat skills will likely make for some truly awe- inspiring, Matrix- like fight scenes. Jubilee – Jubilation Lee. Jubilee will be seen on the big screen this May in X- Men: Apocalypse, but it’s almost certain that the film won’t delve into her traumatic past. As a spirited teen whose hobbies include roller- blading, gymnastics and hanging out at the mall, she was the daughter of affluent Chinese immigrants and attended an exclusive school in Beverly Hills.
Everything changed after her parents were mistakenly murdered by hit men. She found solace in the mall as a petty thief and street performer, but that was no way to live. Security grew tired of her shenanigans and brought in a team of mutant hunters called the M- Squad to remove her from the premises. Luckily for the teen who can shoot balls of energy from her fingertips, a few X- Men went shopping that day and end up rescuing her.
Jubilee’s young girl appeal sets her apart from other comic book films and it would be an interesting coming- of- age story told through the spunky teen’s perspective. Apocalypse looks to be set in the ’8. Shadowcat – Kitty Pryde. We’ve seen her in Bryan Singer’s X- Men trilogy as well as the recent X- Men: Days of Future Past and now it’s time for the “girl in Illinois who can walk through walls” to tell her own story. Hailing from a town called Deerfield, the teen began experiencing excruciating headaches that meant her powers were coming through. She catches the attention of both Charles Xavier and the Inner Circle of the Hellfire club who want to recruit her.
Obviously, Kitty sides with the former and develops a close friendship with Storm. Her parents allow her to enroll in Xavier’s School for Gifted and tensions build when her father berates the Professot for putting his daughter’s life in danger. That sort of conflict has yet to be covered on film and is begging to be explored. Plus, we’ve only seen bits of young mutants learning their craft in past movies and those were some of the more interesting bits. Polaris – Lorna Dane.
In one of the most depressing backstories, an infant Lorna kills her parents in a plane crash. While they were arguing about her mother’s affair with her birth father, Magneto, she became upset and tried to make them stop with a magnetic pulse. That pulse brought the plane down and she miraculously survives with newly- green hair. Drawn to her major display of power, Magneto determines that she is not ready for mutant life and has an associate rewrite her memories.
Her aunt and uncle raise her as their own, making her believe they were her parents. And you thought Batman had it rough as a kid. She is detected by Cerebro and Iceman is sent to bring her in.